Launch of the Botanica exhibition, Friday 6th May
Sponsored and supported with supreme canapes and cheese boards by Montana Catering, the Welcome Swallow Gallery proudly presented the exhibition, Botanica, Friday 6th May 2022. . The combination of art and science upon which the exhibition compositions are anchored came exclusively from the artists who are members of the Botanical Art Society of New Zealand (BASNZ). Accordingly, Botanica is co-presented by the Gallery and BASNZ. The evening was beautifully serenaded with violin and cello played by Martin and Celia Griffiths .
On preview day and opening night, 36% of the exhibition has already sold! Eleven compositions have found their way into art collections throughout New Zealand. The evening began with Trust Chair, Dorothy Gilson outlining why the Gallery wished to present the speciality genre of Botanical Art, while special guest speaker Lynda Hallinan provided several stories and examples that demonstrated the importance of plant life, both historical and in the present.
As a former NZ Gardener editor, and current author, broadcaster, amateur home-brewer, pickler, preserver, part-time farmer, occasional farmers’ market stallholder and mad-keen gardener, Lynda held the audience's attention with her obvious passion for plants.
Finally, the President of the Botanical Art Society of New Zealand, Lesley Alexander continued the theme of the importance of Botanical art, recording plant life cycles. She also pointed out that botanical art was gaining considerable interest in New Zealand and the current exhibition at the Welcome Swallow Gallery was a significant step in expanding the footprint of the art genre.
The evening gets underway
As people arrived for the Botanica exhibition, food (Montana Catering) and music (Celia and Martin Griffiths) were available to add to the viewing experience.
The Botanica Artists

The night in photos
Celebrity speaker, Lynda Hallinan