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Welcome Swallow Gallery launches new exhibition showcase that features one of the world's foremost botanical artists
On a hot summer's night, a packed gallery eagerly pinned their ears back to hear of Sue Wickison's plant pursuits that became scientific adventures across deserts and up muddy mountains while peering into murky streams to glimpse the habits of plants that changed their height in tune with the water level. Sue's passion for plants, including their adaptive capacity, captured the imagination of the audience, who were invited to contemplate human equivalency.
Earlier, gallery curator, Clive Gilson had outlined the importance of the exhibition. Outrageous Plants and that the quality of the of the art was of the highest order. The show runs from 17th January through 28th February.
Alongside the brilliant art work (see Catalogue below) Sue made available products such as scarves, aprons, tea-towels and toke-bags, all featuring her extensive art collection.
Bio sketch
S U E W I C K I S O N has long been established as a world leading botanical artist. Recently, she completed an epic series of botanical illustrations that represent the Plants of the Qur'an. With a companion illustrated book her work stands as an important contribution to world art history, bringing together a canonical religion with art and culture.
Recently the exhibition was seen by over a million visitors where it was installed at Kew Gardens, London. "From a tiny mustard seed to the majestic date palm, the Kew Gardens exhibition showcases paintings from the book "Plants of the Qur'an" combining the skills of the northern hemisphere senior Kew Botanist Dr Shahina Ghazanfar (who has researched and written the book) and southern hemisphere Botanical Illustrator Sue Wickison.
The exhibition, Outrageous Plants, is sponsored by a recently formed group that is independent of the Trust Board that oversees the galley and gift shop. The Friends of Welcome Swallow (F.O.W.S) are supportive of the gallery and have kindly chosen to offer their initial sponsorship to the Outrageous Plants exhibition.
Media coverage: https://www.waikatotimes.co.nz/nz-news/360543722/fantastic-flowers-feature-exhibition-top-botanical-artist-welcome-swallow-galleryas a
Listen to Sue Wickison on Jesse Mulligan's, National Radio program, Bookmarks with Sue Wickison

For artists wishing to know more about showing work with Welcome Swallow Galleries, download the pdf below
Catalogues for all
previous exhibitions
Gallery coverage in the media
Botanical masterpieces - Sue Wickison

Waikato Business News Profiles Sandra Turner-Barlow

Welcome Swallow Gallery featured in extensive
Waikato Times article

A Journey With Chinese Art

The Audi Five Cities Showcase

Drawn From Life

Celebration exhibition

Rebecca Dowman-Ngapo; A Portrait of June Lady Hillary - Waikato Times 1st October 2020

Threads of Life exhibition

The Waikato Watercolourists exhibition

Chinese Art: Inheritance & Innovation exhibition

The Waikato Watercolourists II exhibition

The Art of Performance: Sport & Hollywood exhibition