
Children are our Inpsiration

The primary purpose of our Trust is to raise funds and donate them to children in the Waikato who lead incredibly tough lives. Despite the pandemic that has interrupted our world, we have been able to continue selling great art and gifts.

Accordingly, each year we donated funds to three organizations

  • Kiwican

  • Tokoroa Women’s Refuge

  • Pillars

Below are three photographs that capture the distribution of our funds for 2023

t h i s   i s   t h e   b e s t   d a y   o f   o u r   y e a r

5th July 2024

2023 Giving

2022 Giving

Supporting the Waitomo/Waipa Women’s Refuge services

We are extremely pleased that we are able to support the Waitomo/Waipa Women’s Refuge services.  The refuge runs two safe houses for women and children victims of domestic violence in the Waikato region.  The funds donated will help children, including special needs children, who require services in the form of counselling and play therapy programmes.  The funds, according to Manager Wendy Valler, have also been donated for the children to enjoy Christmas and several outings that are being coordinated.

Wendy Valler from the Waitomo/Waipa Women’s Refuge services, receiving 

funds from Board Trustees and volunteers

Our funds have supported the following organizations:

Women’s Refuge
Announcing a generous donation to support child advocacy at Waikato Women’s Refuge
“A $6000 donation from the Achieving Change for Children trust will help Waikato Women’s Refuge with its child advocacy services."

Achieving Change for Children is an independent charitable trust supporting children in the Waikato region in need. It donates all proceeds from the Welcome Swallow Gallery and Gifts on Grey St, to  Waikato based children’s charities.

On behalf of the trust, chair Dorothy Gilson presented the donation to Waikato Women’s Refuge – Te Whakaruruhau at an event at the Welcome Swallow Gallery and Gifts.
She said she was proud to give the donation to Waikato Women’s Refuge to support their work with children and families in need.

“We are delighted to present Roni and the team at Waikato Women’s Refuge with this donation to go towards the important work they do with families, and children in particular, who are suffering from violence or poverty,” says Dr. Gilson.

“Achieving Change for Children works to help the children who need it the most, and we are proud to be supporting Waikato Women’s Refuge with a cause that is so close to our hearts.”
Waikato Women’s Refuge co-founder and CEO Ruahine Albert says the refuge is grateful for the support of Achieving Change for Children.

“We’re extremely thankful for the generosity of Dorothy and the whole trust for supporting Te Whakaruruhau,” says Ms Albert.

“This donation will go directly towards helping our child advocacy services, which provides essential services and support to the children and whānau in domestic violence situations.”

Ruahine Albert CEO Whakaruruhau Women’s Refuge, Dorothy Gilson, Trust Chair receiving donation from the Trust to support their child services.

Ruahine Albert CEO Whakaruruhau Women’s Refuge, Dorothy Gilson, Trust Chair receiving donation from the Trust to support their child services.

Parent to Parent  - Helen Smith Parent to Parent Waikato Coordinator, Catherine Smith Artist, Dorothy Gilson, Trust Chair, Cushla Mawston, Trustee- receiving donation from the trust as a result of art sales donated by artist Catherine Smith
Parent to Parent

Helen Smith Parent to Parent Waikato Coordinator, Catherine Smith Artist, Dorothy Gilson, Trust Chair, Cushla Mawston, Trustee- receiving donation from the trust as a result of art sales donated by artist Catherine Smith

True Colours

A thank you note from Parent to parent CEO Cynthia Ward

Hello Dorothy,

 I look forward to meeting with you at your gift shop in Hamilton East on Friday at 1.00 pm.

It was a fun night Dorothy and we truly appreciate you organising this fundraiser for us.  It is always so lovely when people offer to help us out and we don’t have to ask or do a lot of hard work to get it organised. So thank you so much!

Ngā mihi

Cynthia Ward

Nurse Specialist
True Colours Children’s Health Trust
07 839 4800
027 466 9021

Receiving donation for $2,000.00 to support their services.

Joanne Tomlinson, Trustee, Stephen Parkinson, True Colours, Cynthia Ward, CEO True Colours, Cushla Mawston, Trustee


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