Street Stories opening night 12th April

The Welcome Swallow Gallery exhibition, Street Stories that runs from the 12th April to the end of May 2024 was launched this evening to the usual full gallery audience. Trust Chair and CEO Dr. Dorothy Gilson introduced the evening by placing the exhibition subject matter in a popular context that included films, literature and plays. Each artist she said, "provided their own such insights with their spectacular compositions". New Zealand artists, Hong Cumming, Rebecca Dowman-Ngapo, Chris Greenslade, Martin Necas, Juliet Roper, Gavin Smith and Sandra Turner-Barlow brought their considerable skills to examine how Street Stories impact and appear in our lives. 

Hong Cumming provided insights regarding how she works creatively to bring the past to life. She shared her creative process regarding her work with steam engines that many decades ago used to cross the main street in Hamilton. For this exhibition a range of styles are on display, including post impressionist, expressionist, and expressionist abstract. Media includes watercolours, oils and acrylics. There are sixteen spectacular compositions to revel in and enjoy. 

Finally, artists Mariska de Jager and Joslyn Hobbis shared their excitement of hosting their parallel exhibition at the City Gallery, entitled II FEMINAE. 

Waikato Times preview day coverage, featuring gallery artist Sandra Turner-Barlow


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