A New Zealand Story: Review the exhibition online

For the first time, the Welcome Swallow Gallery is placing its exhibition fully online for wider viewing. While complete catalogues have been produced for each exhibition, this is the first time that viewers can see each painting in full HD alongside it's in situ position in the gallery. To access simply click on the photograph of each of the four artists who are the contributors to this new exhibition, A New Zealand Story. We are excited to be able to make this facility available for your private viewing. If you see a painting that has a red dot to the lower right, this means that it has already been sold. To enhance this experience, you can access a short video of the gallery from our Facebook, page by clicking on this link. https://www.facebook.com/thewelcomeswallow/videos/3103441936386286/

If you are interesting in acquiring one of these wonderful pieces, please write to:


Below is the full catalogue with all the exhibition details including dimensions and prices.



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